In 2001, the Regional Committee of the ARCL decided to establish a cooking school to teach the art of cooking to the Armenian woman which would assist her to strengthen her abilities and also help her find a job. The project was presented to MECC, approved and received a specific budget from the organization. The ARCL established a preliminary kitchen, invited prominent figures of the art of cooking and started its lessons. Throughout the years, the program produced more than 50 certified graduates many of whom today work for institutions or individually and generate their own personal income. The Operation Process To develop the program and help the ARCL gain an income, an application was filed to the British Embassy in Lebanon. The Embassy saw the importance of the project and after discussion, decided to assist in the expansion expenses of the kitchen. In 2005, respecting Mr. Berj Goulbenkian wishes to honor the memory of his parents, and with his financial investment, a program was established to provide food once a week for the needy and solitary elderly. The temporary program was extended from a 3 month trial period to become a permanent program always supported financially by its sponsor Mr. Goulbenkian. However as the number of the elderly grew, the Bourj Hammoud municipality decided to support the program and financed a second day of providing food for the more than 150 elderly. In 2013, the program was already providing for more than 190 cases including not only the helpless elderly but also to large families and families which have disabled members. The program provides for all members of the region. Expansion of the Kitchen As the project grew, it was deemed necessary to expand the kitchen as well. This was achieved by the financial and moral contribution of Mr. Vatche Degirmendjian. The Kitchen was named after his mother Vartouhi Degirmendjian. The kitchen occupies the whole entresol of the Araxi Boulghourjian Socio Medical Center. It has its own waiting room where twice each week our now dear elderly and needy friends meet and talk until lunch is ready and served. Usually, they also volunteer in the preparation process. The Staff The program is fully supported by the ARCL Regional Committee which has commissioned a special committee to supervise the undertaking of the program. The committee includes 10 members divided into 2 groups. They supervise the work of the 6 employees who prepare the food (3 employees each day). Some of these employees are graduates of “The Art of Cooking” Program. Encouragement This program isn’t only supported by its sponsor and the municipality of Bourj Hammoud, but also receives the full encouragement and support of the community as it, to some extent, alleviates a serious social issue. The many donations received for this program witness to this truth. The community’s contribution has been very important to support the ever growing number of people in need. Our compatriots have faith in all the programs of the Armenian Relief Cross; they not only support the programs morally but also financially. It is very touching to hear the blessings of the elderly and the words of gratitude of the needy. May these messages reach and touch all our sponsors and friends and may God give everyone health, success and longevity.